Sacristy and Original Chapel
Adjacent to the outer chapel is the sacristy where Mass is prepared. This is where we will begin our visit. This part is normally closed to the public. We now enter the chapel of the Ursulines of Quebec, built in 1902, as the old one had become too small and inadequate. It is composed of two wings giving access to the two floors of the original building and arranged in an "L" shape. The main entrance leads directly to the street. It was in this part of the chapel that the public was welcomed.
* The video you will see is a reduced version of the 3D model. The image quality is compressed to suit most devices.
Map - Ground floor
0:00 - 0:16
We are in the wing of the chapel. To the left we may go to the inner chapel. But we will go to the right. This plain white corridor leads to the sacristy.
0:16 - 0:24
As we enter this mysterious and unusual place, let us turn and look around. Observe the furnishings and details. This is where Mass is prepared.
0.24 - 0:50
The wooden cabinets that occupy the entire wall serve as storage place for all the religious objects. Each drawer is labeled and contents carefully organized.A nun sacristan organized the religious objects first. Then, the priest prepared for the ceremony.
0:50 - 0:54
Move to the right.
0:54 - 1:10
We go through the open door that leads to the sanctuary of the outer chapel. This passageway is usually reserved for the priest.
1:10 - 1:20
Let us move towards the Communion rail. Opposite us, is the entrance to the chapel of Donnacona Street. Turn to the left and stop in front of the main altar. Let us observe.
1:20 - 1:39
Let us go back a few steps to observe the main altar. Many of the golden decorations were retrieved from the chapel of the New France era.The Ursulines gilded this altar themselves. As for the sculptures, they come from the art workshops of Pierre-Noël Levasseur.
1:39 - 1:59
Take a look to the left. This altar is the altar devoted to the Sacred Heart. On the wall you can see the painting: "Christ Appearing to Nuns". Devotion to the Sacred Heart was very important to Mary of the Incarnation and is still very important to the Ursulines today.
1:59 - 2:14
Move a few steps to the left to observe the pulpit from which the priest would deliver his sermon. Let’s walk up. The overhead canopy, or sounding board, made his voice reverberate down to the assembly.
2:14 - 2:19
Let's turn to the left to see the back of the outer chapel.
2:19 - 2:37
We go down the steps and turn immediately to the left to look at the funerary plaque of the Marquis de Montcalm. It is said that Montcalm, the famous French general, was buried beneath the chapel.
2:37 - 2:46
To the right, along the wall, we go to another funerary plaque.
2:46 - 3:03
On the left, let's look at the commemorative plaque of Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau and his family. The first Prime Minister of Quebec, his wife and his three daughters were buried beneath the chapel.
3:03 - 3:21
Letʼs move again to the right. At the back of the chapel is a picture: "The Holy Family Welcoming the Huron Girl ". This picture was painted by a religious person and illustrates the evangelization of the natives.
3:21 - 3:29
We turn around and go up the main aisle.
3:29 - 3:38
We’ll now look up and turn on the right. Observe the large paintings on the walls of the chapel.
3:38 - 3:50
The huge painting above the entrance represents Jesus eating in Simon’s house. This painting is so large that it was left there during the cleaning and renovations of the chapel.
3:50 - 3:56
We now take the left aisle leading to the entrance of Mary of the Incarnation’s tomb.